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2015-01-27 11:53:03 弘新教育 来源:弘新教育

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  I am not one who golfs. The only time I tried it I was confident that a dozen balls would be an adequate supply. This is the sport of retired people: how hard could it be? The confidence was misplaced, also, one by one, the balls, and I had to quit somewhere around the seventh hole. On the sixth, actually, I hit a car—there was absolutely no reason for a highway to be that close to a golf course—but that’s another story. The point is that the game did not yield up its mystery to me; I remain, in the golfing universe, a child of darkness. I do find that I am able to watch golf on television, however, where it is possible to experience a calmness that the game itself sadly lacks. Spread out on a couch and indifferent to the outcome (very important), you watch tiny white balls sail improbable distances over the biggest lawns in the world, interrupted occasionally by advertisements for expensive cars. One of the players is named Tiger. Another is named Love. If you have access to a bottle of Martinis (optional), the joy potential can be quite huge.

  There is usually a price for pleasure so mindless. In the case of TV golf, it is listening to the commentators analyze the players’ swings. What looks to you like a single, continuous, and not difficult act is revealed, via slow motion and a sort of virtual-chalkboard graphics, to be a sequence of intricately measured adjustments of shoulder to hip, head to arm, elbow to wrist, and so on. Where you see fluidity, the experts see geometry; what to you is nature is machinery to them—parallel lines, extended planes, points of impact. They murder to examine. Yet, apparently, these minutes and individualized measurements make all the difference between being able reliably to land a golf ball in an area, three hundred yards away, the size of a bathmat and, say, randomly hitting a car, which, let’s face it, only a fool would drive right next to a golf course. There is a major disproportion, in other words, between the straightforwardness of the game and the fantastic precision required to play it, a disproportion mastered by a difficult but, to the ordinary observer, almost invisible technique.

  Short stories are the same. A short story is not as restrictive as a sonnet, but, of all the literary forms, it is possibly the most single-minded. Its aim, as it was identified by the modern genre’s first theorist, Edgar Allan Poe, is to create “an effect”—by which Poe meant something almost physical, like a sensation or an extreme excitement.

  1. The author quotes his own experience with golf to show that _____.

  [A] things are often not so simple and easy as they seem

  [B] his experience with golf has been a frustrating failure

  [C] that experience of his offered much for his later life

  [D] apparent truths are more often than not unreliable

  2. The author enjoys watching golf games on TV because _____.

  [A] access to drinks makes the game more joyful

  [B] a more enjoyable view of the game is provided

  [C] he is thus unaffected by the result of the game

  [D] that is more likely real appreciation of the game

  3.What does the author imply when he says “There is usually…so mindless”(Line 1, Paragraph 2)?

  [A] Commentators often interrupt your attention.

  [B] TV golf is frequently unaffordable for many.

  [C] One needs to pay handsomely for the setting.

  [D] Some essential parts of the game are missing.

  4. In the part succeeding the third paragraph, the author will most probably _____.

  [A] draw an analogy between golf and short story

  [B] elaborate the “effect” of short story

  [C] show other examples similar to golf games

  [D] show impact of golf games on short story

  1. A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A

  1 [精解] 本题考查考生对第一段的理解。该段作者讲述了自己打高尔夫的经历。作者开始尝试打高尔夫时充满自信,认为那只不过是退休一族的运动,不可能会很难。结果作者却发现自己的自信心放错了位置,真的打起来连连失败。接着作者联想到自己在电视机前观看高尔夫球赛的轻松经历,两种截然不同的感受说明了打高尔夫并不像看起来的那样简单。因此[A]项为作者想要说明的道理。[B]项是第一段前半部分阐述的事实,但不是作者要说明的道理。[C]项原文中没有涉及,[D]项含有贬义,属于过度推理。

  2.[精解] 本题考查了事实细节。文章第一段的后半部分提到,作者在观看电视中的高尔夫球赛时,可以体验到一种比赛本身缺少的冷静,他在沙发上伸展四肢,然后对结果保持漠不关心的态度。由此可看出,[C]项是看电视上的比赛和亲身经历的区别所在,也就是作者可以享受观看比赛的原因。[A]、[B]项的joyful和enjoyable是题干中enjoys watching的同义表达,并没有给出造成这种结果的原因。[D]项是文中没有提到的观点。

  3.[精解] 本题考查考生理解基础上的推理引申能力。文章第一段后面部分讲述了作者观看电视高尔夫球赛时的悠然自得的感受。第二段首句则指出“为快乐通常要付出代价”。该段接下来的内容则开始比较观看球赛和实际打球之间的巨大差异:观看球赛时,可以听到评论员分析球员的挥杆。对观看的人来说,它是单一的持续的,而且看不到难度动作,但经过慢动作和一些虚拟的黑板图表的处理后,它就成了一系列复杂的缓慢的身体各个部位的协调动作。人们看到的是流动性,而在专家眼里则成了几何图形,对观众来说很自然的东西,对他们来说却是机械原理。第二段末句作者总结指出,比赛看上去的简单明了和实际需要的不可思议的精确度之间存在很大的差异。因此二段首句中的“快乐”指的是观看球赛的轻松状态,而“代价”则指的是现实中比赛所要求的东西。而这些必要的东西在观看时丧失了。[D]项是作者暗示的内容。 [B]、[C]项提到的费用问题在文中根本未涉及。[A]项不是作者观点。

  4.[精解] 本题考查考生对文章写作结构的理解。第三段论述了短篇小说与高尔夫比赛相似的特点。该段引用了现代流派的第一位理论家埃德加·爱伦·坡的观点阐明短篇小说的效果是为了创造一种效果。因此,可推知文章接下来应该对这一效果进行详细论述,告诉读者这种效果到底指的是什么,怎样达到。[B]项正确。文章前半部分的论述都是为了引出短篇小说这个话题,所以点题之后,无需再对高尔夫这个引子进行叙述。由此排除其他项。

  5.[精解] 本题考查第一、二段的写作结构。这两段讲述的都是关于高尔夫的事情,第一段作者先用自己的亲身经历对高尔夫比赛进行了介绍,说明看上去很简单的事情做起来却并非如此。接着联系到观看电视上的比赛,指出观看者可以置身事外,对结果毫不关心,得到无所顾忌的快乐。第二段从“快乐”过渡到“也需要一定的代价”,开始论述看球赛与亲自参与球赛之间巨大的差异。显然,这两段之间是很自然的承接关系,[A]项为正确答案。类比应该是不同事物的相似之处的比较,而这两段主要讲的是亲身经历和电视上的不同。这两段中也不存在例证的证明关系,所以[B]项和[D]项错误。第一、二段在全文中占了很大篇幅,不应该只是细节,[C]项错误。

  5. What is the relationship between Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2?

  [A] Paragraph 1 is an introduction to Paragraph 2.

  [B] Paragraph 1 provides an example for Paragraph 2.

  [C] Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 are both supporting details.

  [D] Paragraph 2 serves as an analogy to Paragraph 1.